Hygiene for Slum Children by LEADer Amrita Raj

Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2016 by LEAD

LEADer Amrita Raj from ABR PG College Anpara was concerned about the wellbeing of the slum children in her area. Instead of doing doing, she took action with a LEAD project in order to make a small positive change to give these children closer to the standard of living she had during her upbringing through hygiene kits.

Collecting funds door-to-door
First, Amrita gathered a team and went door-to-door collecting donations from the wealthier areas of her community. While it was difficult to convince people to give them their hard earned money, Amrita focused on explaining why their project mattered to the lives of the slum children and built trust and credibility by explaining about the LEAD program. Eventually, Amrita and her team collected 3500 Rs.

Amrita and the team making the bags
Using old newspapers to create the bags, which lowered the cost and reduced waste, Amrita and her team filled these packages with basic hygiene products for babies and young children, including shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.

The team distributed over 150 hygiene packages to young children and mothers with babies in the slum area. For Amrita, the best part was seeing how excited the young children were to receive anything new and just for them, even simple hygiene products.

2 Response to "Hygiene for Slum Children by LEADer Amrita Raj"

spruche wunsche Says....

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Anonymous Says....

danke und wir sind sehr aufgeregt und verrückt danach. Verrückt zu werden, hat natürlich viele Gründe. Zunächst einmal ist es der Tag, an dem ein neues Jahr beginnt. Ebenso ist es die Zeit, wenn wir Neujahr 2019 gif Resolutionen machen und unser Bestes geben, um dabei zu bleiben.